Notepad games!!!!!!!

Today I am teaching you how to make games in notepad in easy steps if you follow my steps you will learn easily and you will also enjoy my post and please don't forget to comments on my post......

1-Tic Tac Toe game in notepad .

  • Open notepad
  • Copy the code in notepad

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Title TQC's Noughts and Crosses
: main
call :titleScreen
If "%EXIT%"=="1" exit /b
Call : firstSetup
: main_Loop
call :resetBoard
Call : gameLoop
Call : endGameScreen %win%
If /I %rematch%==Y (
GOTO main_Loop
Exit /b
: title Screen
echo Welcome to Noughts and Crosses.
Echo Type EXIT to quit the game.

: askP1Type
set p1Type=
Set /p p1Type="Player 1 - Human or computer? [H/C] - "
If /I "! p1Type!"=="C" GOTO askP2Type
If /I "! p1Type!"=="H" GOTO askP2Type
If /I "! p1Type!"=="EXIT" (
Set EXIT=1
Exit /b
GOTO askP1Type
: askP2Type
set p2Type=
Set /p p2Type="Player 2 - Human or computer? [H/C] - "
If /I "! p2Type!"=="C" exit /b
if /i "!p2Type!"=="H" exit /b
if /i "!p2Type!"=="EXIT" (
set EXIT=1
exit /b
goto askP2Type
set p1Score=0
set p2Score=0
set turn=
set p1Char=X
set p2Char=O
set p1Score=0
set p2Score=0
set NL=^
::winList contains all the possible winning lines, separated by the new line character.
set winList=1 2 3 !NL! 4 5 6 !NL! 7 8 9 !NL! 1 4 7 !NL! 2 5 8 !NL! 3 6 9 !NL! 1 5 9 !NL! 3 5 7
exit /b
for /l %%I in (1,1,9) do (
set G%%I=%%I
if "%turn%"=="" (
set /a turn=%random% %% 2 + 1
) else (
set /a turn= 3 - %turn%
set turnCount=0
set availableMoves=123456789
set errorMessage=
set win=0
exit /b
set /a otherTurn= 3 - %turn%
if /i "!p%turn%Type!"=="H" (
call :humanTurn
) else (
call :computerTurn %turn% !p%turn%Char! !p%otherTurn%Char!
set /a turnCount+=1
set availableMoves=!availableMoves:%move%=!
if NOT %win%==0 exit /b
if %turnCount%==9 exit /b
set /a turn= 3 - %turn%
goto GameLoop
call :displayGrid
set infoMessage=
set move=
set /p move= Player %turn%'s turn. Enter the number of your move [1-9] -
if !move! lss 1 (
set infoMessage=Invalid move, enter a number between 1 and 9.
goto humanTurn
if !move! gtr 9 (
set infoMessage=Invalid move, enter a number between 1 and 9.
goto humanTurn
if NOT "!G%Move%!"=="!Move!" (
set infoMessage=That move has already been made, choose another.
goto humanTurn
set G%move%=!p%turn%Char!
call :CheckWin %turn% !p%turn%Char!
exit /b
set move=
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims= " %%I in ("!winList!") do (
if "!G%%I!!G%%J!!G%%K!"=="%2%2%%K" (
set move=%%K
if "!G%%I!!G%%J!!G%%K!"=="%2%%J%2" (
set move=%%J
if "!G%%I!!G%%J!!G%%K!"=="%%I%2%2" (
set move=%%I
if NOT "!move!"=="" (
set G!move!=%2
set win=%1
exit /b
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims= " %%I in ("!winList!") do (
if "!G%%I!!G%%J!!G%%K!"=="%3%3%%K" (
set move=%%K
if "!G%%I!!G%%J!!G%%K!"=="%3%%J%3" (
set move=%%J
if "!G%%I!!G%%J!!G%%K!"=="%%I%3%3" (
set move=%%I
if NOT "!move!"=="" (
set G!move!=%2
exit /b
set /a moveGuess= %random% %% ( 9 - %turnCount% )
set move=!availableMoves:~%moveGuess%,1!
set G%move%=!p%turn%Char!
exit /b
echo ^| ^|
echo %G1% ^| %G2% ^| %G3%
echo -------------
echo %G4% ^| %G5% ^| %G6%
echo -------------
echo %G7% ^| %G8% ^| %G9%
echo ^| ^|
exit /b
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims= " %%I in ("!winList!") do (
if "!G%%I!!G%%J!!G%%K!"=="%2%2%2" (
set win=%1
exit /b
set win=0
exit /b
if NOT %win%==0 (
set /a p%win%Score+=1
call :Displaygrid
if %win% gtr 0 (
echo Player %win% wins^!
) else (
echo It's a draw^!
echo Current Scores
echo --------------
echo Player 1 Score - %p1Score% Player 2 Score - %p2Score%
set rematch=
set /p rematch="Would you like a rematch? [Y/N] - "
if /i "!rematch!"=="Y" exit /b
if /i "!rematch!"=="N" (
exit /b
) else (
goto endGameScreen

save it as game.bat


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